Gregor mendel studied which organisms
Gregor mendel discovery
A diploid organism, like a human or the garden peas Mendel studied, carries two copies of each “inherited factor,” which are now referred to as gene variants or alleles (Fig.
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Gregor Mendel () is a now-famous monk and scientist from the Czech Republic who discovered the laws of inheritance.
Gregor mendel pea plants
Johann Gregor Mendel studied plants and their patterns of inheritance in Austria during the nineteenth century.
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s: Mendel’s work is widely recognized, and he is hailed as the "Father of Genetics" Key Terms: Heredity: The passing of traits from one generation to the next; Genetics: The study of heredity and variation in organisms; Alleles: Different versions of a gene; Dominant: A trait that is expressed when an organism has one copy of a dominant.