Irene hixon whitney bridge john ashbery biography
John ashbery poems pdf
Armajani remained in the Twin Cities, and made major works in the region, including The Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge, a foot steel bridge featuring a John Ashbery .
John ashbery love poem
One thing that makes the Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge special is a poem by John Ashbery affixed with large metal letters all the way across the horizontal beams above your head.
Understanding john ashbery
I discovered (via wood s lot, as I discover so many things) that the Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge in Minneapolis has a poem by John Ashbery inscribed across the upper lintel.
John ashbery early life
In the heart of Minneapolis stands the Irene Hixon Whitney Footbridge, designed by Siah Armajani.